SRE-Main Broadcast System

Warship is a complex platform wherein lots of instructions / announcements are required to be passed very frequently to the personnel in various compartments from important locations. Also emergency alarm signals and announcements are required to be relayed all over the ship. Additionally some sort of entertainment (background music) is required during daily routine / sailing. Phi Audiocom make SRE-Main Broadcast system plays an important role to achieve these tasks smoothly.


  • Programmable system used for one way announcement on selective / all call basis.
  • Priorities among announcement points and alarms.
  • Generation of different type of alarms for emergency purpose.
  • Background music for entertainment purpose.
  • Announcements through ship’s EPABX.
  • Interface with ship transmit / receive audio signal unit for transmission / reception of dignitary speech from/to other ships.

Contact us for your requirement of Intercom Systems ,SRE-Main Broadcast System, IP Based Communication System , Industrial Public Address System etc.