Industrial Public Address System
In an Industrial plant, field users undertaking operation and maintenance need mainly three types of audio communication, One-way announcement for any emergency purpose or for locating people, Open Line Communication system (Loudspeaker Talk back – LSTB) for a group of people involved in same process and Point to Point communication (Loudspeaker Inter Communication System – LSIC) for dedicated communication between people manning specific locations.
Phi Audiocom – Versatile Communication System is designed to meet all above functional requirements of Industrial plants. The system is rugged and is meant to withstand heat, humidity, vibration, dust and ingress of water. It is designed to work 365 days round the clock.
- Single / multi zone configurations with unlimited stations.
- Distributed amplifier architecture.
- Simple ‘open’ and ‘instant’ communication.
- Full acoustic bandwidth for speech clarity.
- Simultaneous ‘Page’ and ‘Party’ communication.
- Feature enhancement using Central Command.
- EPABX interface.
- Calls available-Master to Zone and vice versa, Master to Master, Alarm Calls.
Contact us for your requirement of Industrial Public Address System, Intercom Systems ,SRE-Main Broadcast System ,IP Based Communication System etc.